New Summer Hours - We will be closing the office on Friday's at 12pm through August 9th. Monday-Thursday will remain open from 8:30am to 5:30pm.


Success Story - Full Charge Remote Bookkeeping

A dental client was spiraling downward. They had massive changeover of not only dental staff, but also of the back office staff. They couldn't find someone who could do the scheduling, billing of clients and insurance company, handle payroll, do the deposits and keep the Dentist on budget and on target. The problem was they were looking for someone who doesn't exist, sort of like Bigfoot! The good staff they found soon got overwhelmed with all of those responsibilities. The Dentist contacted us and asked if we could help implement a solution. We took charge of the QuickBooks, Payroll, set up a system for the Dentist to approve and pay the bills necessary to be paid, and worked up a schedule to help curtail the credit card and line of credit debt which was threatening to swamp the practice. They found a great back office staff person to run the practice management and billing system. We handle everything else. We provided them with a monthly fee which includes both our monthly QuickBooks management AND the end of the year corporate tax return. They have used our services to replace one full time staff position and the net cost is actually less, AND their reports and financial records are up to date in real time! The practice is back on track to have the best year it has had in quite a while.

Professional Staff

Success Story - Whether buying, selling or looking to retire from a business…we’ve got the right solution for you.

We have assisted numerous clients in purchasing and selling their businesses. We have assisted in implementing business succession plans that have successfully allowed several businesses to continue in existence, and provide for the original owner's retirement. We have assisted in the sale of businesses with sales prices ranging from $20,000 to $125 Million. In many cases, both the selling, and purchasing parties recognize the high level of expertise we bring to the table and both parties retain our services.

Administrative Staff

Success Story - Proper structuring can make all the difference. Let us show you.

A client was involved in a corporation with substantial tax loss which it couldn't utilize. He was also involved in a related business which was very profitable. We structured a merger between the two corporations which enabled him to recognize over $75,000 in tax savings in three years, not the 31 years that his other financial advisors recommended! End result - a happy client and a transaction which met the approval of the IRS!

A similar client had a corporation which evolved into two separate businesses. The problem was, the businesses were stuck in the same corporation! We helped the client structure a spin-off which separated the businesses into two corporations. This allowed the businesses to grow to their fullest potential, independent of the performance of the other corporation!